2024 BRAIN NeuroAI Workshop
Natcher Conference Center, Bethesda, Maryland
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Day 1 Agenda
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
All Times ET
8:00 AM Registration & Badge Pick-Up — Natcher
Auditorium Lobby
Coffee and refreshments
9:00 AM Opening Remarks
Andrea Beckel-Mitchener, NIH BRAIN Deputy Director
9:30 AM Introduction to the BRAIN NeuroAI Workshop
Introduction & Workshop Overview — Joseph Monaco (NIH/NINDS)
Opening Keynote — Tony Zador (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)
10:00 AM Break (15 mins)
10:15 AM Session 1: Defining NeuroAI for BRAIN: Gaps, Challenges, and Opportunities
Invited Short Presentations & Panel Discussion
Chair: Tony Zador (CSHL)
NIH Co-Chairs: Joseph Monaco (NIH/NINDS), Susan Wright (NIH/NIDA)
Noon Lunch
Organizer Group Photo — Natcher Auditorium Stairs
1:15 PM Funder’s Panel — DoE, DoD, NIH, NSF, Simons
Moderated by Terrence Sejnowski (The Salk Institute)
2:15 PM Session 2: Exploring the Structural and Functional Convergence of Deep Neural Nets and Brains
Invited Short Presentations & Panel Discussion
Chairs: Blake Richards (Mila), Doris Tsao (UC Berkeley)
NIH Co-Chairs: Jessica Mollick (NIH/NIDA), Clayton Bingham (NIH/NLM)
4:00 PM Coffee Break (30 mins)
4:30 PM Moderated Discussion
Day 1 Wrap-up — Moderated by Terrence Sejnowski
6:00 PM Adjourn
Day 2 Agenda
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
All Times ET
8:00 AM Registration & Badge Pick-Up — Natcher
Auditorium Lobby
Poster Session Setup — Natcher Atrium
Coffee and refreshments
8:30 AM Day 1 Recap and Overview of Day 2
Joseph Monaco (NIH/NINDS)
8:45 AM BRAIN NeuroAI Early-Career Scholar Poster
NIH Co-Chairs: Courtney Pinard (NIH/NIMH), Jessica Mollick
9:05 AM BRAIN NeuroAI Early-Career Scholar Poster Session — Natcher Atrium
10:15 AM Session 3: Advancing Theory for BRAIN through Neuromorphic Computing, Embodiment, and Physical Intelligence
Invited Short Presentations & Panel Discussion
Chair: J. Brad Aimone (Sandia National Labs)
NIH Co-Chairs: Joseph Monaco (NIH/NINDS), Leslie Osborne (NIH/NINDS)
Noon Lunch
Extended Poster Session — Natcher Atrium (Coffee and refreshments)
1:30 PM Session 4: Towards Reciprocal BRAIN NeuroAI Advances in Intelligent Computing, Robotics, and Neurotechnologies
Invited Short Presentations & Panel Discussion
Chairs: Gina Adam (George Washington University), J. Brad Aimone (Sandia
National Labs)
NIH Co-Chairs: Grace Hwang (NIH/NINDS), Roger Miller (NIH/NIDCD)
3:30 PM Coffee Break (30 mins)
4:00 PM Moderated Discussions
Day 2 Wrap-up — Moderated by Gina Adam
Workshop Synthesis & Next Steps — Moderated by Paul Middlebrooks
5:30 PM BRAIN NeuroAI Early-Career Scholar Poster
Closing Remarks — John Ngai, NIH BRAIN Director
6:00 PM Adjourn